Which Can Do To Reduce Excess Weight

 But this can be a serious danger due to excess health or fat accumulation in the body.

Data published in the journal Science Direct says that being overweight means more illness.


According to Dipankar Sarkar, an internal medicine specialist, overweight can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, chronic skin diseases, and eczema.

According to the World Health Organization, one in three adults in the world is currently embarrassed by the problem of being overweight. Those who are more healthy have a higher risk of shortness of breath if they are infected with Kovid-19.

When the corona is affected, the lung problems are exacerbated and the extra weight puts more pressure on the lungs. In those who have an abdomen, the lungs become constricted due to increased pressure on the diaphragm or diaphragm of the lungs. As a result, the lungs cannot expand completely when the air is drawn in. So if you gain weight, your body will always have less oxygen. The lungs, on the other hand, begin to weaken. At the same time, the airways become narrower.

Do whatever it takes to lose weight

1. The first condition for weight loss is to eat calories and exercise by sweating. All sweet foods including sugar should be stopped.


2. Every morning or afternoon you have to walk fast for at least 30 minutes. You should not stop walking in any way.

3. Yoga and exercise should be done to reduce waste and abdominal fat. 20-30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week

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